365 days of Self-Love and wholehearted living Day 45

I mentioned wanting to talk about spirituality and not knowing what to say. The subject is still asking to be talked about. 

I listened to a podcast where the person interviewed mentioned his goal of normalizing talking about spirituality. 

I feel it’s a touchy subject because of its closeness to the word God. When I started my Geotran journey, I was angry with God and with all that was happening in the world “in the name of God”.

I had to use Geotran on myself to create peace for myself around that word. 

From that peace, I was able to hear the word without reacting. I was also able to decide what I wanted to believe. 

The peace around the word God allowed me to differentiate the idea of God / Spirit / Universe from what humans are doing. 

What is spirituality for you?

365 days of Self-Love and wholehearted living Day 44

Every day, I participate in a Geotran call. We use Geotran to clear the stress in our life or we celebrate together. 

This morning, one of the participants shared that she had had an experience of self-love. She explained that she didn’t know how to describe it other than it felt as if her heart was more open. 

It is the same for me. It is hard to express what self-love feels like. Yet, when we experience it we know. 

Being in a group where we talk about it makes it easier to access. 

I am grateful for my friend sharing her experience of self-love. 

365 days of Self-Love and wholehearted living Day 43

I have been wanting to talk about spirituality but I tell myself that I don’t know how. If I ask myself what I want to say about it, here is what comes up:

I feel that my practice of Geotran helped me access spirituality and this access has had a deep impact on my life and my happiness. But what is spirituality?

I looked up the word in the dictionary and found “the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.”

Brené Brown writes: “Spirituality is recognizing and celebrating that we are all inextricably connected to each other by a power greater than all of us, and that our connection to that power and to one another is grounded in love and compassion. Practicing spirituality brings a sense of perspective, meaning, and purpose to our lives.”

This definition was first published in The Gifts of Imperfection.

What does spirituality means to you?

365 days of Self-Love and wholehearted living Day 42

I have been in several conversations with my friends about the I-don’t-feel-like-it voice. It’s the voice that comes on with a winy tone when it’s time to get off the coach and get something done.  

In his book, “Self-Coaching”, Joseph Luciani calls this type of voice the child voice within and gives us ideas on conversing with it. 

It reminded me of one of my childhood friends: we were very close and I was the one who decided most of the time. So just because I live with a I-don’t-feel-like-it voice doesn’t mean it has to decide what I do or don’t do. 

And something else I read made me think that noticing being swayed by this voice could be part of being faced with my humanity.

All this jumble of thoughts lead me to decide that one of my goal this year, as part of increasing self-love, is to befriend my I-don’t-feel-like-it voice. What is that voice / part of yourself that you could befriend while not allowing it to control your life?

365 days of Self-Love and wholehearted living Day 42

One of the guideposts of wholehearted living is cultivating Gratitude and Joy, letting go of scarcity and fear of the dark.

Sometimes, I might believe that finding things to be grateful for requires an amount of energy I may not have. But it is not true. It’s a lie that we may tell ourselves to justify sitting in “it” for a bit longer. 

Today, I am grateful for singing on the phone with my dad. I am grateful for my new found interest in decluttering. And I am grateful for having so many wonderful friendships in my life. 

365 days of Self-Love and wholehearted living Day 41

Today, I read my earlier posts to find some inspiration. 

It’s a sign of self-love to be able to value our creativity. 

And for added inspiration, I listened to  a podcast from Hal Elrod: How to achieve your goals when you’re struggling. I loved this podcast and I want to listen to it again.
Today, I was able to use what Hal Elrod talks about: the miracle equation: unwavering faith + extraordinary action. 

365 days of Self-Love and wholehearted living Day 40

In the reading portion of my miracle morning, I read this quote:

“Choice is the greatest power. It is even greater than love, because you must first choose to be a loving person.” (Caroline Myss in book Sacred Contracts)

In Geotran, the basic tool (positive points) is about love, forgiveness, and choice. The founder of Geotran, Dorothy Wood Espiau, wrote “Choice, the most misunderstood of words, means for you to consciously choose something.”

I believe the power of choice refers to the ability to choose the lens through which we see the world and our circumstances. 

My dad gifted me a book titled Happy People Don’t Care if it’s the Truth, They Tell Themselves Nice Stories (title translated from French). To me, this book is about the choice I make around how I explain things to myself.

My point about choice: choosing how I see things requires enough inner peace to not be swept up by emotions / reacting to them. 

As I am reflecting on the power of choice, I am appreciating the increase of choice I gained from practicing Geotran. I feel I am more in choice around what people say. I choose to not react and even thought I still react sometimes, I react much less and not as often as before. 

I think that developing our ability to choose consciously is part of developing a resilient spirit, letting go of numbing and powerlessness in the 10 guideposts for wholehearted living. 

Do you see places in your life when you do not feel you have choice?

365 days of Self-Love and wholehearted living Day 39

Yesterday, I lead a Wheel of Life session. I started that last year: we looked at 8 areas of life and set 3 goals for each area: a lofty goal, an easy to reach goal, and a maintenance goal. 

In June we did a review to see where we were at in each area. 

Yesterday, we reviewed our 2023 goals, celebrated our achievement with gratitude and acknowledged the goals we didn’t reach with self-love. Once 2023 was complete, we set our goals for 2024. It was energizing!

At this time of year, I am reminded of an article I read in 2014. It said that research found that people who set New Year’s resolutions are much more likely to reach their goal than people who don’t set New Year’s resolutions (there were actual statistics in the article that I don’t remember). So in 2015, I decided to find a type of exercise that I would enjoy doing. I tried different things during the year like mini-trampoline exercises, line dancing, and other classes. And on December 28, 2015, I tried crossfit and I loved it!

Since then, I am all for setting New Year’s resolutions in January and in September!

365 days of Self-Love and wholehearted living Day 38

Today, I understood an aspect of visualization I had never seen before. I thought visualization was similar than meditation. But in his instructions, Hal Elrod talks about visualizing the steps we are taking towards the outcome we are visualizing. He add to see in our minds eyes as if it was happening from inside ourselves. Today, I wanted to soak my bathrobe in a de-stainer. Well, I have wanted to do it for 6 months.

So I practiced visualizing the steps it would take, but I kept being stopped. I didn’t know what container to use that would be big enough. I didn’t know how to measure 5 litres of water to be able to put the appropriate amount of the product. So I visualised walking around my house looking for the container and then looking for the best measuring device. And I realised that the visualizing included some type of figuring out. It was not all Zen-like or meditative like I thought it should be.

Well in the end, I got to soak my bathrobe. It came out whiter but the stains are still there. Better luck nect time!

365 days of Self-Love and wholehearted living Day 37

I experienced serendipity and connection: 

Last week at the gym, a woman I had never talked to before told me about this podcast she was listening to. She insisted that I take a picture of her phone screen to remember the name of the podcast.  That’s how I discovered the Miracle Morning.

What is the Miracle Morning? The Miracle Morning is the fastest way to wake up every day and create the life you’ve always wanted (even if you’re not a morning person).

The Miracle Morning practice includes Silence, Affirmations, Visualisation, Exercise, Reading, and Scribing (S.A.V.E.R.S.)

The author, Hal Elrod, started by practicing for an hour each morning but he found that even 6 minutes with one minute for each practice is enough. 

When I first heard the podcast about the Miracle Morning practice, I noticed that I was already doing 4 of them most days (I wasn’t reading or journaling). But now I have more intentionality. 

I have been doing the 6 practices for the last 6 days and my creativity has been through the roof! I got to restart 2 projects that had been on hold for more than 6 months!

Happy, thank you, more please!