365 days of Self-Love Day 16

Today I am looking at healing from disappointments. I was recently reminded how when we are hurt, we have a choice: we can live protecting ourselves from future hurt or we can choose to fully live. And to choose to live fully, we have to heal fully. When it comes to healing disappointments, I don’t believe there is any magical solution: it takes time, self-love, and the help of others. In the “help from others” category, it can be a specific healing modality that you practice or it can be a visit to a therapist or a friend or all of the above.

And sometimes, we think we have fully healed something and then it seems to show up again years later. Bringing in self-love, we can be at peace with the fact that the wound is re-opening and do the healing work again.

365 days of Self-Love Day 1

In 2014, I started this blog with 365 days of Gratitude. I loved the journey. 7 years later, I am starting a new journey and hope to take you with me. My practice of Geotran brought me much needed self love and so much more. In this journey, I may refer to what others have written about self-love or my own thoughts and experiences. It will be a discovery, an adventure: Discovering Self-Love one day at a time.